Search Algorithms

As the world is becoming more interconnected, finding the right path is more important than ever...

Algorithms that find paths in a network of nodes are indispensable part of modern world,
from everyday networking to cutting-edge aritificial intelligence.

This is a place where you can learn about them and experiment with them, but most importantly, have fun.

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Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm that finds shortest path between two nodes in a graph.

It was conceived in 1956. by computer scientist Edsger W. Dijkstra

Breadth-first search

Breadth first search algorithm is an algorithm that traverses a graph level by level.

It was invented by E.F.Moore in late and 1950s.

Depth-first search

Depth first search algorithm is an algorithm that finds a path between two nodes in a graph by exploring a branch as far as possible.

An early version of depth-first search was investigated in the 19th century by mathematician Charles Pierre Trémaux.

Iterative deepening depth-first search

Iterative deepening depth-first search combines approaches of breadth-first and depth-first searches.
It searches until it reaches maximum depth which is increased in every iteration.

A* search algorithm

A* search algorithm extends Dijkstra's algorithm by using heuristics.

It was first described in 1968. by a team of scientists at Stanford Reasearch Institute.