
Your goal

Test your knowledge of searching algorithms by selecting the next node that algorithm visits.

You can practice on predefined graphs or draw your own.

Drawing your own graph

Add a node: SHIFT + Left Click on blank space

Rename a node: SHIFT + Left Click on node you wish to rename

Connecting nodes: SHIFT + Hold Left Mouse Button on node to drag lines between nodes, remember to give connections a value

Deleting a node: Select a node with a Left Click then press DEL button to delete it

Deleting a connection: Select a connection to delete with Left Click then press DEL button to delete it

Moving nodes around: Hold Left Mouse Button on node to drag it around

Zoom: Use Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out

Move whole graph: Hold Left Mouse Button on blank space and drag the graph

Save graph: You can save a graph in JSON form by clicking on Save icon in lower left corner

Load graph: You can load a graph you previously saved in JSON form by clicking on Load icon in lower left corner

Delete graph: You can delete the current graph by clicking on Delete icon in lower left corner

You can try it out here!